The Gears Still Turn

Kingdom Come

CRank: 9Score: 69860

Resistance 3 Wants & Needs...

After months of rumours and denials, the fourth installment (Resistance Fall of Man, Resistance 2 & Resistance Retribution being Prior installments) of the hugely successful Resistance franchise was announced to be in development for the Playstation 3 by Insomniac Games on August 17th 2010 at Gamescom 2010. Since the official reveal, there has been wide speculation surrounding the game, from gameplay mechanics to the titles story. I myself found Resistance Fall of Man to be a superb Debut for the franchise, from it's devastated world overun by the sinister Chimera to it's fun, chaotic gameplay. The game introduced us to Sgt. Nathan Hale, the American Protagonist of the first two games, with him himself being infected with the Chimera Virus, of which he still possess' in the second title were it is revealed he has hours to live. Whilst the ending of the game was both abrupt and confusing, it did leave much open to carry the story on for a Third title in the main series. The second title was brilliant, but no where near perfect, however it still proved a's an improvement to the superb first game, and with that, here is my list of what I believe Resistance 3 needs to be the ultimate installment. This is purely OPINION Based and of course I would love to hear some of yours in the comments zone below. Let's begin...

1) G R A P H I C S (Minor)

Now before you tear me to shreds, hear me out. Insomniac have to date done a great job on Resistance in the case of visuals, however, whilst there are moments of which the Graphics are brilliant, there are some things that look purely disgusting. These being mainly fire and water in the game. Whilst they were my main concerns at the time, NOW, things have changed, expectations have changed, and with the game shipping in the same year a's rivals Gears of War 3, Crysis 2 & Killzone 3, this game is going to receive ALOT of comparisons within reviews. However, looking at some of the leaked "Screens" there may be little to worry about in this area, however with some of the pictures being blatant Concept Art, I will wait for confirmation of which are Screenshots. Nonetheless, if even one of the leaked screens are in-game, it would seem this game is going to look beautiful.

2) E P I C  S C A L E  C O M B A T (Moderate)

Resistance 2 was a huge step up in terms of scale, featuring combat with large amounts of enemies on screen at one time, forcing you to step back and say, "Wow", however, there was one issue with the scale of things that concerned me, look up to the sky and you will see huge vehicles both human and chimeran in combat with one another, flashes and explosions lot the air, it felt a shame that this did not play in to the gameplay, now I'm not saying "Give us air combat!" because I wouldn't want that with the world being in the state it is in the Live Action Trailer, I'm saying, make the combat that bit more Epic Scale by having aircrafts spiralling from the air and colliding in to the ground before your very eyes, or challenging you in combat and dropping off large numbers of Chimera. After watching the trailer, I have fears that the game may try to be something other that that of which Resistance followers have come to expect, it resembled Left 4 Dead, a great game, but hugely different from that of Resistance in terms of gameplay...

3) L E S S  S C R I P T E D  B O S S  B A T T L E S  (Moderate)

Remember the Leviathan battle in Resistance 2? When you first witness the creature stampeding through the city, it looks like it's going to be one Hell of a difficult battle, right? Wrong. The battle, whilst cinematic was a huge disappointment, failing to live up  to the standards of those approaching the battles imaginations. And this was quite a common occurrence throughout the title, not that it ruined the game, but scripted Boss battles are always frustrating for me, I want to be able to approach a battle in numerous ways, unfortunately that was never the case, with there being set ways for the larger bosses to die. If a Leviathan approaches us in the third title, let us deal with it in whatever way we wish.

4) A N S W E R S (Strongly Needed)

"They are calling to us. Can you hear them? It is beautiful", "Th ey don't deserve this world, not after all they've done, not after all they've taken!", "If you seen what I have seen, if you knew what was coming, you would yearn for the beauty that awaits us."..........

I'm sorry, what?!
On a serious note, we need some answers as to some of the many questions Daedalus left behind... 
However, I loved his character and I love his peculiar speeches, I am just over intrigued now...

5) M O R E  C O - O P (Moderate)

Whilst I am against the thought of a smaller scale single player, I am fine with a smaller scale co-op campaign. It would give the same feeling as "Nazi Zombies" has for Call of Duty players. The chimera are a race to be feared, if not in Single Player, then perhaps with Co-Op...

6) N A T H A N  H A L E  A P P E A R A N C E (Hugely Required)

Whilst I'm not the one to spoil the ending of the second title, I will say this much, it's a strong bet that Nathan Hale won't be our Protagonist. However, with Daedalus taking more than a bullet, maybe the same can be said for his heir. (OK, I NEED TO MENTION THE ENDING SO LOOK AWAY IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE ENDING OF THE GAME)

With Daedalus seemingly passing his entity over to Hale, it would seem likely that we may just be facing our one time hero in the upcoming instalment, which I would love. It would give us an antagonist that we both despise and sympathise for. As I said, Daedalus put up one hell of a fight, and it would seem, judging by the final cinematic, Hale had become Daedalus in mind, could he have possibly survived the shot...? Well, one things for sure, it would seem from the Live Action trailer, that the world is in it's bleakest moment in time, with the Chimera being more in control than ever, could this have been achieved without someone with experience a's a human? And without a leader? I doubt it...

I hope you enjoyed some of the opinions I have shared with you, I didn't speak of Multiplayer because a's many of you may be aware I am a fanatic of Third Person shooters and spend an ungodly amount of hours on Gears of War (1&2)s multiplayer. Although I do play some FPS Multiplayers, I am not one to judge, however after seeing the gameplay from Crysis 2 and Killzone 3's multiplayer it would seem to have a huge standard to live up to and having been playing Halo Reach a lot lately, it's is evident to me that there is a humongous standard to live up to in the FPS Multiplayer community.

If anyone wishes to share their wants feel free, I can't wait to see some more ideas...


i can stand behind everything! good blog

WildArmed4972d ago

I agree with everything BUT hale's appearance.
At this point I can do w/o Hale.
After watching the ending of R2 in Nov 08, I've grown accustomed to the idea that there will be no Hale in R3 :(
(though I still hope we do get him)

Kingdom Come4972d ago

However, there's something Poetic about the idea of the Hero becoming the very creature he fought. I think Hale's story needs to be finished completely, his journey cannot end with an Abrupt shot to the head from a character of which I myself found annoying. It just doesn't seem a fitting end considering he defeated the Leviathan...

WildArmed4972d ago

i think the devs are definitely taking a big leap if they choose not to use Hale in their core installment of the franchise (R1-r2-r3)(from what I understand at this point they are using Capelli)

The thing is, they have already used another protagonist in the Resistance franchise (the PSP version did not feature hale: RR). So it's going to divide their current fans in between.
people who want hale to be their protagonist, while others don't mind Insomniac mixing it up.
I'm leaning towards the second side.. (dont get me wrong, I'm a huge Hale fan, but all things come to an end :( )

Though if they DO choose to kill off hale, I want a better explaination of what happened to him..

But the bigger issue at hand is:
Hale was one of the TWO main characters of the plot (Daedalus being the other).
Only these two subjects had the orignal 'stuff' put into them.
So there is a HUGE potential in Hale's story that needs to be said.

Kingdom Come4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

I'm referring to his use being strictly as an Antagonist.
I completely understand what you mean when you claimed that everything has to come to an end, I'm a Gears of War fanatic, knowing that the story of Delta Squad is coming to an end saddens me so but it's something that I have to deal with.
Daedalus' contamination of Hale is both Puzzling yet highly intriguing. It would seem that a few 3rd Instalment games have answers to give to the gamer. (Gears of War: Locust Queen & Adam Fenix's connection to the Locust. And Resistance 3: Daedalus' Speech a's a whole leaves questions, Nathans fate and more)

My only problem is that it would seem the player is being placed in the shoe's on a character of whom has no major connection to Hale, therefor it could prove difficult to find any intrest in te subject from a new character unless Hale is the Villain. However the new character having not known him would see him in the same light we saw Daedalus in, with no sympathy...

WildArmed4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

Well, I dont think we need to see Hale as a villian.
But would DEFINITELY add alot to the story..
Because Capelli PROMISES hale that if he turns, he will end it for him. It can be one of the factors why we can use Capelli as a protagonist in R3.

But as in RR (PSP), they choose a character totally unrelated to Nathan Hale yet people loved the game.
So if they pick Capelli (even though he isn't a new char like the RR protag.), it could work.

It'd be great if they showd Capelli unvieling hale's story as he progresses through the story.
I want there to be a connection with Hale.
Such as Capelli looking for answers on what Happened to Hale (and Hale doesn't have to be a antagonist in this case, he can just be.. *gulp* dead)

Like of like how you can relate to the Big Boss (MGS3), even though you are playing Solid Snake (in MGS1/2/3) or heck how Raiden was portrayed to be a Solid Snake-copy, so as you progress through the story -- even though you are playing raiden-- you couldn't help but make comparisons against Solid.

I want (if Hale is dead) Hale to be remembered in such a fashion, I want him to appear in flashbacks.. or even just bring up stuff that reminds the player of Hale. (Ofc that means they'll need to focus on uncovering all the mysterious links between Hale and the chimera)

I'm a big gears fan too.. (IDK if you've seen my gazillion comments where I'm shouting how awesome Horde mode is lol). The background that Gears takes place in is very deep, i just wish the developers would use it more.

I feel that BOTH Insomniac and Epic Games need to use this rich background story they've created and really bring it to the front.
They've been side-tracking the things we want to know.

Another thing, I was REALLY interested on hearing more stuff about the Sentinal Program that Hale joins at the end of R:FoM.
Yet they totally skipped it (by 2 years!) in R2. It seemed like there was some good story there (like Hale being sent to missions BEFORE their whole base gets destroyed)
The start was abrupt when the first thing you see in the base is it being blown to smithereens..
I figured we'd atleast be sent to Europe for 1 mission (to revist a bit of R:FoM).
I'm glad Insomniac is taking their time w/ R3.
Pushing out games each year (R&C or R2) seemed to hit a bit on quality of the titles.

Sorry for the long replies..
Seems like you are reading a blog post in the comment sections :(

Kingdom Come4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

We don't want Nathan's name to be remembered as an enemy, we want good memories of the character, however, I think after hearing Nathan speak the words of Daedalus in his demonic voice, it seems quite blatant that Daedalus' conscious had passed over...

One thing I'm wondering is, if you don't like the idea of Hale being used as the antagonist of the installment, would you welcome the aspect of him being cured? Although I INCREDIBLY doubt this will happen, I'm just curious...

(P.S Don't worry, I like receiving long comments on my Blog Posts, I don't do them for scores or stats, it's because I genuinely like sharing opinions and having civilised conversations about gaming, something of which can rarely be had on this site due to Fanboy's, unfortunately this will be my last comment on my Blog due to me only having 3 Bubbles however don't let that stop you commenting, I will gladly reply through PM's.)

WildArmed4971d ago

No, I dont want him to be cured.
I'll be fine with him being one of the three though:
1. Dead
2. Villian (though It'd be my least preference)
3. In a bloody coma/imprisoned by humans. (similar to Daedalus's situation)

Oh i hope this time they do video/audio logs.. instead of long readings D:

Well back to Hale.
I don't want Insomniac to behave like Hale never existed. I mean that's pretty much a no-no. Hale was a key character in R. franchise, and even if he just keeps reappearing in conversations / flash backs I think that's good enough.

If hale ends up as the antagonist, It'd be quite a daunting task for the player to kill him.
Mainly because if I had to name TWO characters I loved from the Resistance Franchise.. it'd be
1) Hale
2) Cartwright

And it'd be daunting to kill the one character you actually cared about from R2. Though if I get to pla Cartwright I'm up for killing Hale.. bcoz my fav. Resistance character was Cartwright (it scared me when he was about to die in R:FoM)
But since he is busy liberating Europe, he aint coming to save the 'Yankees'.

Though I do hope that we See Parker and Cartwright reappearing in the main series (not the PSP stuff =p).

But at this point, I'm open to any Hale included story. I just dont want him to be forgotten as a nobody who we played in R1 n R2

Tachyon_Nova4971d ago

Hale simply cannot be the protagonist in R3, he both became a Chimera and was shot in the head in R2, as you know. He may be featured in some way, maybe his infection allowed him to live, but he will not be human, and therefore can't be the protagonist.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4971d ago
-Alpha4972d ago

nice blog.

For me I want split-screen online to come back both in competitive and story campaign.

Not a big Resistance fan personally, but I do hope that it takes the "Survival Horror" route as it could be interesting. Other then that I find Resistance to be a very meh series for me. They ought to borrow ideas from MAG in setting up big player MP. As for the MP itself I was never fond of the game, too random, unorganized, and IMO I didn't enjoy it as much as other shooters, but I'm willing to hop on Resistance 3 to give it a try.

ReconHope4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

some points. If they are going to do coop i hope it isnt like the "coop' they promised for r2 which was really in reality just intel hunts. i loved the classes and everything for r2 it was hours of fun lvling up but i want something new.

if insomniac decides to make the campaign coop i dont want it to be just a tag on like cod waw which just took away from the experience if anything . I hope the game is darker like the original. If anything they need to scale the game down and make it more personal. scripted battles are a bad idea no matter how u try the swing it.

rfom battles were 100x better. does anybody remember how the first stalker fight ? that actually required some skill compared r2. the widow maker fight wasn't scripted and it was one of the best fights in resistance.

thor4971d ago

"Remember the Leviathan battle in Resistance 2? When you first witness the creature stampeding through the city, it looks like it's going to be one Hell of a difficult battle, right?"

I did notice from the moment I saw the start of this battle that it was going to be massivley scripted and disappointing. Of course I got shot down on this site... but that's what happens if you say anything negative about a PS3 game here. I totally agree that the boss battles should be less scripted - the difficulty is doing a boss battle against a huge dynamic opponent; it's difficult technically and it's going to be difficult to make it look authentic when theoretically the boss could crush you in one swipe of his hand. (WTF would he just pick you up and put you down somewhere else?)

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